Kamen Rider V3 (仮面ライダーV3 Kamen Raidā Buisurī?, Masked Rider V3) is a Japanese tokusatsu television series. It is the second installment in the popular Kamen Rider Series, and the direct sequel to the original Kamen Rider. It was a joint collaboration between Ishimori Productions and Toei, and was shown on NET from February 17, 1973, to February 9, 1974, with a total of 52 episodes.
Every episode of Kamen Rider V3 begins with a statement: "Kamen Rider V3, Shiro Kazami, is an altered human. Mortally wounded by Destron, he is rebuilt by Kamen Riders 1 and 2, reborn as Kamen Rider V3"
source : Wikipedia
And this is Papercratf Kamen Rider V3 Chibi version.
Every episode of Kamen Rider V3 begins with a statement: "Kamen Rider V3, Shiro Kazami, is an altered human. Mortally wounded by Destron, he is rebuilt by Kamen Riders 1 and 2, reborn as Kamen Rider V3"
source : Wikipedia
And this is Papercratf Kamen Rider V3 Chibi version.